Digital marketing

Business Blog-A boon for improving online presence

Business Blog-A boon for improving online presence Every business has a website but seldom do businesses realize the importance of having an official blog that’s updated with good content on a regular basis. But the importance of blog section in your website cannot be undermined. This is because the core pages of your website (homepage, about, pricing, products/services, contact) are relatively limited in terms of […]


Start-ups cannot forgo the need for Digital Marketing

Being a start-up, the main concern is to reach as many target customers as possible in minimum time. The mistake that many start-ups commit during their initial stage of inception is to limit their online presence to just a website. By doing so, they seem to neglect the fact that without any visitors to their site, there is no way to make any profit. Your […]


Digital Marketing- “The new age PR”

  From the time when worldwide updates could be arrived at by flipping through the pages of newspaper; we have undoubtedly arrived in the age where things have completely transformed. We have moved from the “traditional” to “digital” where placement in search results matters more than being sighted in any news daily or magazine. The crux of the story is that if people wish to […]


4 effective ways to evaluate your Digital Strategy

Digital Marketing strategies need to be altered to suit the needs of different client segments. The strategies are also evolved with the new developments coming across each day in digital space. But while adapting to all the changes; the need to measure the results cannot be undermined. It is the key to observe if the strategies are moving in the right direction or not. Here […]


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